Some of you know from my journal online that I do not have much patience for the alleged "altar call" as perpetrated these days be Fundamental Baptist preachers and others who copy them. The nagging threatening call to come to Christ in faith is terrifying, and I am convinced that many come to Christ out of terror of the fire breathing preacher rather than out of love for the Savior.
That said, I watched Bishop G E Patterson giving his classic altar call, and I must say that, if an alter call is really in order, this is the way it should be done. There should be a spirit of encouragement, but the emphasis should be on the joy of "coming home" to God's family.
Thus, enjoy as the Bishop calls a few home:
If you really need to deal more in depth with the altar call issue, GO HERE at my journal, Blessed Quietness.
Now, here is the history of this hymn. It was born in a very real situation: